Monday, March 10, 2008

My new team

Check it out!!

Story of my life

Sorry I haven't updated for about 10 years. Life has been really really crazy. I'm taking 18 credits worth of classes this semester (and they're all pretty boring classes) along with my online class (that I was supposed to finish this summer) and I"m helping Ryan with his online spanish class. So what, 24 credits? That's healthy. I'm learning how to manage my time better though,a nd work on studying. Ah. Just a little different from life in Argentina. And let me say, I miss it SO SO SO much. Michelle (one of my best friends down there) is back for this semester and living with my host family. I wanna be there.

I'm back on the bike and pretty excited about it. I joined the Tough Girls team ( This is a 'dirt' team, focusing on Cyclocross and Mountain biking. I'll be getting a new, super sick, mountain bike, YAY!! I had my first road race this weekend, a time trial. It sucked. I know TTs are supposed to hurt, and it did, but it was very humbling and I realized how out of shape I am and how 10 months off the bike really affected my cycling potential. I'm coming back. Maybe not for road season, but I'm coming back. Bryan hooked me up with a sweet deal at Full Cycle, so I'll be getting a new road bike too! SWEET.

And finally, I'm going BACK to Costa Rica for spring break! YAY! 16 days and counting. I'll be with Ryan :), Laura (a friend from HS who's in a lot of my classes), Kellie, Sessa (who are both CR Veterans) and Lynne! SO MUCH FUN! I have a lot of crap to do with school before then, but it'll be a great reward.

I'm just trying to get through school, and get to summer. Let's see if I can get a job?! Who knows.

besos a todos.